Update: Student Blogs

Just hanging loose this weekend--rode my bike on the greenway, and walked around downtown during the festival.
Good to see so much activity on the blogs!
Andy is continuing to educate me about Warren Buffet's political activities.
Mhariel has an interesting post on the Tango, a two-seat electric concept car.
Ashley has a nice post on the new 2208 Mercury Mariner hybrid.
Brian has an interesting post about a controversy over the legality of some real estate spending made by city officials for the Harrison Square project.
Irene has a couple of brief posts about business in China.
Brandon has some tips from a Washington State University website on how to look good for an interview, and Julie has a nice post on how to end an interview.
Kristen has a post on the Organic Consumer's organization.
Matt gives us an update on the Barney's buyout and Macy's potential to buy Sears.
Brad has an interesting post on CEOs and blogging.
Nick has 3 more posts on global warming.
Paul has a nice blog on professional editing services.
Cory blogs on the importance of motivating your employees.
Alvin has some insights on Sony's mistakes when entering the digital music marketplace.
Angie has a nice post on Sarbanes-Oxley.
Tia does an analysis of Nikon's ads for its latest digital camera, and notes how the message seems to marginalize the professional photographer.
i have just finished part one of 'against the day' and thought i would give some general observations so far. i have some specifics i won't go into now, though i could post them with their corollary chapters, or not, if you like. let me know.
i am excited about this book. what i see emerging is political/anarchical action unfolding against the revelatory/alchemic/mysterious ambience, which lead me to my first musing about the title. very early on, the description of a sunset and shadows set me thinking about... "against the day'. 'the day' being the time frame in which the novel takes place, and 'against' that being the fiction being spun into some literary life of its own. like shadows against the sun, simple fiction, memory, history intertwined, projected or shadowed or otherwise viewed 'against the' time frame. then you have the photographic frame, etc. it gets complicated with such an allusive writer.
in this setting, before the theory of relativity is postulated, pynchon recreates the atmosphere of fascination with and joyful inquiry into the mechanics of light, time, chemistry, electricity. against this background, the proposed paradigm shift of revolution, anarchy and spirituality begins to take form, though soon to be cut short by world war, economic depression, another world war... you know the rest.
were you were thinking of the literary genres pynchon's voice options as political statements or the novel as a whole? the 'boy's adventure novel' that starts us off brings to mind the days of 'hygiene and heroism'. i loved that reference in chapter 2, (song), to how they 'shall neither whine nor ejaculate'. it reminded me of t.c. boyle's 'the road to wellsville'. though the present allusion it most brings to mind is that of our elected executive. i won't go any further expounding on this perception/parody of chastity and duty unless you feel it is appropriate in this venue. let me know.
concurrent to this reading i am gardening my own little bit of anarchy. i am fortunate to live in a place where 'eating locally' is a very do-able political statement... bolstering local economy, empowering small farms, making good environmental choices, improving quality of life, eating amazing food... i could go on.
back to the subject but anecdotally, i don't usually leave the dust jacket on a book when reading out of doors or traveling so i was surprised to see the bit of 'icelandic spar' on the cover when i approached it on my kitchen table at the right angle. clever.
on to part two...
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