A busy day blogging

Lots of students posted new entries in the last 24 hours.
Angie posted a long article ob the affect Sarbanes-Oxley has had on IPOs and Start-ups. A great example of using your blog to collect research.
Kristin has posted some ideas on how to identify if foods are genuinely organic.
Julie has posted some great cartoons related to the interview process--nice use of visuals and humor.
Brian, posting the the FW Baseball Blog has information demolition of the Belmont Beverage outlet which has been displaced by the Harrison Square project.
Ashley has a very brief post on hybrid cabs in NYC.
Aimee found some very interesting information of the "Great Place to Work Institute."
Matt has a fascinating post on auctions--not your typical auctions--luxury auctions.
I've started new read: Kim Stanley Robinson's final novel in his global warming trilogy--interesting take on intrigue in washington D.C. the book is titled Sixty Days and Counting.
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