Some More History

While researching about Rickover and his management methods (at least one Chief of Naval Operations, or CNO described Rickover as a practitioner of the "terrorist school of management") I discovered a wealth of information in the form of extracts from oral histories conducted with retired admirals by the naval institute (USNI).
The picture today is of retired admiral Frank Bowman, Admiral Donald's predecessor as director of Naval Reactors.
Here is the full list, and the dates they held the position:
Admiral H.G. Rickover: 1949-1982
Admiral Kinnaird McKee: 1982-1988
Admiral Bruce DeMars: 1988-1996
Admiral Frank Bowman: 1996-2004
Admiral Kirkland Donald: 2004-present
To the blogs:
Lee's blog has ten posts so far, covering GM, including the strike and contract settlement. His most recent post has a nice take on the debate over CAFE standards.
Jillian's has twelve posts on the influence of the media on youth, and one troubling trend recently--the number of young people electing plastic surgery.
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