Monday, January 31, 2011

Ancient Rhetoric Facebook Page Update

  • Metonymy - That has to go to our back office for proofing
    Apposition - Women, the fairer sex, are not always fair.
  • Grad students: Where are the articles on Isocrates and Kairos?
  • I struggle daily with my teenage daughters and Kairos. There have been many times when I was upset with my typical teenagers and I have had to learn as a parent that timing and the right words are everything!!!! As most conversations with them is an agonism and we are on different dissoi logoi. As a single parent I find much support from my friends in my common place at Concordia Elementary school. Even as parents we can benifit from rhetorics theory and knowledge.
    There I was practicing but to be honest I'm a little confused with the whole Kairos concept. Does the media bring many rhetorical situations to topic because it is right in our faces all the time? And if so, does the media lead us to a false sense of common place or community?
  • From MW today: My examples for today are the following:

    “metonymy” “Have you spoken to the front office about that situation?”

    “Front office” substitutes for the president of a company or anyone in charge.

    “apposition” Mr. Croner, the principal of Bellmont High School, has implemented “common assessments”

    in core subject areas.

    · A suggested discussion point might be the following:

    I found Isocrates’ definition of Kairos easier to understand: “the right timing and choice of words.”

    I also appreciated his clarity in his definition of “ideal rhetoric”: The highest kind of oratory is that which is concerned with the greatest affairs and while displaying the ability of those who speak, brings the most profit to those who hear it. Thus, the ideal speech for him meets three demands: (1) composed in a lofty style; (2) deals with a worthy subject; and (3) benefits the audience.
  • Prof Amidon, I was hugging the porcelain goddess all weekend due to the flu, so is it okay if I turn in my Chreia assignment late, while I am fishing for examples for my metonymy assignment?
    Apposition: Scott, my brother lives in Columbus, Ohio.
  • I combined them.
    Sally Duga’flugen, guard dog to some, really just wanted someone to lend her an ear.
  • Metonymy: The increased price of oil has encouraged Detroit to research more energy-efficient vehicles
  • Hey! My post for apposition disappeared! I posted it the same time i posted my metonymy. Here it is again, tho no longer true. >:( Leigh Yerkes, starving, single mother of three, was the first to post her apposition on FB.
  • Metonymy: The silver screen.
    Apposition: Garfield the cat
  • Great job group....all of your examples of metonymies were absolute PEARLS! (pearls = metonymy?) I'd love to discuss this further, but Ross, my husband and best friend,(apposition) is hinting that I start supper.
  • Metonymy: The big wigs of Microsoft make all the important decisions about new software.

    Apposition: Landen, Melissa's son, is going to kindergarten next year.
  • Apposition is when two elements, normally noun phrases, are placed side by side, with one element serving to define or modify the other. An example of this is: John and Bob, both friends of mine, are starting a band.
  • Neither my instructions in class, nor the syllabus makes clear that grad students have an additional reading on Blackboard for Monday night's class--the reading on Isocrates and Kairos.
      • Shem Hinkle I'm not necessarily complaining about this, but why do the graduate students have more readings than the rest? Do you recommend all of us read them. It doesn't bother me to do so.
        Saturday at 12:48pm ·
      • Mike Brewer I saw it--it's "widowed" at the top of the page following 1/24. Proofreaders always check for these sorts of things--it's in their blood! I see the reading has now been posted to BB, as well. Thanks, Steve.
        Saturday at 3:25pm ·
  • Metonymy is when a thing or concept is not called by its own name, but by the name of something intimately associated with that thing or concept. An example of this is Hollywood. It is a section of Los Angeles, but when people think of Hollywood they think of movies and actors
  • For a Metonymy, and in the same category: The kids were scorned by a man of cloth.
  • As you are working on the Chreia assignment, remember this--the progymnasmata were developed by classical rhetoricians to be a graduated series of rhetorical assignments students were asked to perform. The two most famous sets of progymnasmata were those of Hermogenes of Tarsus (2nd century AD) and Aphthonius of Antioch (4th century AD).
  • I've posted a pdf version of the Maxims reading on Blackboard, which by the way, will be down from 6pm Saturday night until ? There are instructions at the beginning of the reading telling you what to read.
  • A couple of people have asked questions about what I want you to do for the writing assignment. Very simply, I want you to write a Chreia, an amplification, of something. I'll give you two options--a Chreia about a symbolic relationship like problem #5 in the book, or a Chreia about one of the Maxims from your reading.
  • Metonymy: Art is increasingly missing from the "art" of filmmaking, as the suits now have all of the power--not the artist.
      • Mike Brewer Oh, and don't be mislead by the quotes around the word "art"--that's not the metonymy here.
        Friday at 9:23pm ·
      • Shem Hinkle ha suits!
        Saturday at 12:19am ·
  • Metonymy: Reports of a Martian invasion have now been confirmned--but, according to the White House, Americans should remain calm--there is no need to panic ... (bzzzt) no need to panic ... (bzzzt) no need to panic ... (bzzzt) ...
  • Apposition: Jackie Robinson, the first African-American to play in the majors, was a true civil-rights pioneer.
  • assignments are on the syllabus, readings on BB I believe
      • Mike Brewer Not seeing them on BB.
        Friday at 8:24pm ·
  • Metonymy: "Houston, we have a problem!"
      • Matthew Willits
        The way metonymy was explained to me is that it involves a simple concept that stands for another (usually more complex) concept, which it is commonly understood to have a strong association with. For example, in saying "I pledge allegiance...See More
        Friday at 5:38pm ·
      • Shem Hinkle You articulate stuff well, Matthew.
        Friday at 7:56pm ·
  • Not sure i know how to do this, but here it goes...
    Before being a bold or bashful being, before being bombarded with boring bouts of banal business, before bashing bitter blight, before breaking boundaries between best buddies, before browbeating blood belief, before biddable background of bitterness and bliss, before being blinded, blind-sided, blind-spotted, blind-dated or begotten is to be born.
    • You like this.
      • Shem Hinkle Haha you'd all like to think so. :) Perhaps you should tell me how it works, so we can see if I really am.
        January 26 at 7:16pm ·
      • Shem Hinkle For Melissa: Doesn't all poetry rhythm or something like that? :)
        January 26 at 7:16pm ·
  • Alliteration: lyrics from Aerosmith's song, "Dude (Looks Like a Lady)," including the three words of the title in parenthesis: "She a LONG LOST LOVE at first bite" "Or who you're going to LOVE by your LOVER/ LOVE put me wise to her LOVE in disguise" and "Her picture GRACED the GRIME on the door"

    Oxymoron: titles such as "Cruel to be Kind" by Nick Lowe, "Accidentally on Purpose" by George Jones. Also phrases such as the following: government organization, honest politician, living dead, pretty ugly, and so on.
      • Shem Hinkle haha that's what I said: Jesus, the living dead. Well, at least something says it. :) I like the Government organization one and despite this being an oxymoron, don't we have those today? Ha!
        January 26 at 7:14pm ·
  • Jesus, the living dead...Lol, Sorry i had to. Can this be considered an example of an apposition? If not, i'll try again.
      • Leigh Yerkes Lol. You and me both, brother...
        January 26 at 6:24am ·
      • Shem Hinkle Got it...Jesus, the living death, came to fulfill the word of God and be a zombie. :)
        January 26 at 7:12pm ·
  • Two in one:

    Matthew Willits, a connoisseur of proverbial expressions, knows the pen is mightier than the sword.
  • Apposition: Leigh Yerkes, a busy, single mother of three, was the first to post for next week's assignment. ;D
  • Received from M.W.: Oxymoron – dull shine

    Alliteration – The dignified dandelion dared droop.
  • Please...this is just in fun:
    Before taking this class, I use to regard rhetoric as the rude, ruthless ramblings of the rarely rational faarrrr-right republican reprobates whose rabid raucous rants often resulted in rampant retaliatory ruminations of my own. In reflection, I recant this raving rubbish for risk of righteous reactions and ramifications. ( I'm working on those dreadfully disagreeable and discontented democrats:)
  • Walter Shapiro's opinion (and alliteration at the end):
    …..a State of the Union (speech) inevitably is a bureaucratic document thematically marred by speechwriting by committee. Cabinet agencies pleading for a few sentences ….combined with the political necessity of pleasing constituency groups… help produce theme-less puddings of presidential prose.
    • You like this.
  • Here's an oxymoron AND an alliteration: Social Security
    My other favorite "S" oxymorons: Sure bet; Sight unseen; Silent alarm; Safety hazard; Short distance; Sanitary sewer:)
  • Here's another article I found when doing some research... Of course, it's an opinion, but still... Thoughts? I don't know if it's relevant, but it was certainly interesting. :)
      • Mike Brewer Steve is right on when he mentions "an overall breakdown in civility." I've been thinking and saying that a lot in the past few years--it goes beyond talk radio, of course. At the U.S. Conference of Mayors, Tucson's Bob Walkup urged his counterparts to sign a "civility accord."
        January 22 at 9:17pm ·
      • Mike Brewer On an NPR broadcast, Thursday, Patricia Harrison, CEO of Corp. for Public Broadcasting said we are all going through a bad economy and deficit problems, but that we also have a "deficit in this country of education[and] civility." Yes, indeed.
        January 22 at 9:22pm ·
  • Deep in a forest in the dead of winter a beaver chose to build a pond. Being very fast and very strong, the beaver created in very little time a dam which pooled shallow water. The other beavers also relied on his uncanny speed, often diving away in danger at his echoing alarm. The beaver finished everything early, and was very diligent; his pond and feedstock were finished before the other beavers. He thought, “I should build more dams and store more food for myself, since I have so little to do now.” So the beaver made three shallow ponds, protected by the dams he created, each stocked with food. Soon after there was a heavy rain and all the beavers acted quickly to protect their homes. The diligent beaver found he was unable to repair all three of the dams in time, and watched his work drift downstream with the rising waters. While all of the beavers suffered exhaustion, only one suffered gloom.
  • I realize this video was done right after the shooting, but I'm still hearing so much about the issues surrounding "political rhetoric." It's so interesting to me. I could stand to learn so much more about politics and Sarah Palin, but it seems they (several people and other politicians) are placing blame on the rhetoric used by other politicans. Check this out and let me know what you think!
    Following Saturday's mass shooting in Arizona, two senators weigh in on the state of political discourse in America.
      • Shem Hinkle haha sounds more like Philosophy to me!!
        January 20 at 7:31pm · · 1 person
      • Leigh Yerkes I agree Steve! This passive-aggressive shite is for the birds! Whaa-whaa-whaa...
        January 20 at 11:20pm ·
  • And here is one of my all-time favorite examples of alliteration. He begins using alliteration at about 30 seconds in.
    The scene in V for Vendetta in which V introduces himself to Eevy, in a long rambling string of alliteration.
  • ON NCIS LA last night, my ears perked up when I heard the term "Naval Intelligence" which was immediately identified by the character as an oxymoron.
      • Shem Hinkle Lol This is almost like military intelligence. In order to have a military, isn't compliance more important than intelligence?
        January 19 at 2:37pm ·
      • Steve Amidon It's the quandry of a military in a "free and democratic" society. "Free and democratic" when combined with "military" is itself an oxymoron!
        January 19 at 2:50pm · · 1 person
  • This has always been one of my favorite alliterations: (Some of you might not remember) Spiro Agnew was Nixon's VP--Attacking the "liberal" media, he refered to them as the "nattering nabobs of negativity." Agnew was fond of alliteration, but hated hippies -- including me! Of course, he resigned in disgrace in 1973 after criminal charges of tax evasion, bribery, etc. As for me, I eventually got a haircut and infiltrated "the establishment."
      • Andrew N Johnson ‎"infiltrated," eh?
        January 19 at 12:03am ·
      • Mike Brewer Yeah. Why?--Does that make you feel a little uneasy ... suspicious, perhaps?
        January 19 at 12:09am ·
  • Here are some oxymorons (I stole the first on from the movie clip) girly man, act naturally.
    • You like this.
      • Mike Brewer Buck Owens--from the West-coast capitol of country-western music: Bakersfield, Cal.--never made a bad record. Love the Buckaroos!
        January 18 at 10:01pm ·
      • Mike Brewer And don't forget Ringo's version. Wait--let me rethink that ...
        January 18 at 10:25pm ·
  • For alliteration, a line from one of my all-time favorite CSNY songs: "Helplessly hoping her harlequin hovers nearby, awaiting a word."
      • Steve Amidon It is a great one!!!!
        January 18 at 12:54pm ·
      • Mike Brewer ‎"Wordlessly watching he waits by the window and wonders ... at the empty place inside." Haunting. Great job, Leigh!--One of Stephen Stills' best!
        January 18 at 10:07pm ·
  • A thought: Is an "oxymoron" also an example of a "paradox"?--A statement that might be true but seems to say two opposite things? Also, should we put "Berra-isms" into the same catagory? For instance: The great Yankee catcher was asked by his teamates after a game if he wanted to go out with them to a particular restaurant--"Nah," replied Yogi, "nobody goes there anymore--it's too crowded!"
  • Greetings, everyone! Your oxymoron examples have been great--hard to top, but let me toss a few out there: How about "peace-keeping force"? And speaking of the military, "hurry-up and wait." Here's another--"tough love."
  • When I paste in this page to my Research Methods Blog from my Macbook, it maintains all of the formatting and pictures. When I do it from the Dell, I get a mess of text.
  • My daughter Madeline and I were just laughing about this oxymoron: "alone together".
  • My dad always gave this example of an oxymoron, but I never could quite 100% see it... What does everyone else think?

    Oxymoron: glass cup
    • You and Tricia Day like this.
      • Shem Hinkle yeah, a cup is plastic typically. A glass, as the name suggests is usually made out of glass. :) We were always too poor to call it a glass. They were cups in my household.
        January 15 at 2:30pm ·
  • Alliteration: Counting countless cats could create a cacophony of meows.

    Just made that up... why not! Oxymoron to follow...
    Let's see here...
  • Steve Amidon added Mike Brewer to the group.
  • This is how I learned simile, metaphor, oxymoron
    In this scene from the movie Renaissance Man, Bill Rago (Danny DeVito) is trying to teach his students about Similes, Metaphors, and Oxymorons.
  • I found an alliteration with my name: Carries cat clawed her couch, creating chaos.
  • I may be jumping the gun a little, but here is my example of oxymoron.

    I understand oxymoron as the juxtaposition of two ideas that seem contradictory but still somehow have a nuanced force or meaning. It can involve two words or two phrases.

    For a word-level oxymoron: "waking nightmare"

    For a phrase-level oxymoron, I offer my brother's favorite defense in any argument: "You shut your mouth when you're talking to me!"
    • Mike Brewer and Shem Hinkle like this.
      • Matthew Willits The OED suggests it originates in America around the early 1900s in track and field events, where athletes would start before the pistol was fired.
        January 12 at 10:01pm ·
      • Shem Hinkle ahh, that sounds like the real deal.
        January 12 at 11:03pm ·
  • My daughter just said this the other day- "She is pretty ugly"
      • Shem Hinkle doesn't pretty also mean 'somewhat', and not just good-looking.
        January 11 at 8:59pm ·
      • Tricia Day pretty much! :-)
        January 12 at 5:43pm ·
  • Admitting that I'm not a literature student naturally would explain why I did not know what an alliteration was. But with research on the internet I found some of this example “She sells sea-shells down by the sea-short” Is an alliteration another name for a tongue twister? Here is my own alliteration- Tricia taste's tacos every Tuesday at Tony's. I think I'm turning into a literature student right in front of everyones eyes:-)
  • haha one I remembered from Psych...a "proven correlation".
  • My favorite oxymoron: Jumbo Shrimp.
  • alliteration, "The giant, juggernaught Jemini jumped over Judas and James jubilantly."
    • Tricia Day likes this.
      • Ryan Quandt ‎"and joyously joked in a jesterly manor."
        January 11 at 8:32pm ·
      • Ryan Quandt I will apologize in advance, for an English major, I am a terrible speller
        January 11 at 8:36pm ·
  • My favorite oxymoron when describing people far more intelligent than me, "My twin sister is stupid smart."
  • Steve Amidon added Ryan Quandt to the group.
  • The BYU website has great resources for thsi class!
    A set of rudimentary exercises intended to prepare students of rhetoric for the creation and performance of complete practice orations (gymnasmata or declamations). A crucial component of classical and renaissance rhetorical pedagogy. Many progymnasmata exercises
  • Here's alliteration used as a tongue twister, too! :)

    Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?
  • I never could figure out why it was called the "Great Depression." My favorite oxymoron, though, is something I always say: seriously funny! Now, I'm going to be self-conscious about it! :)
  • When reading the fables, look for examples of the figures of narration and figures of description discussed here!
    Students were given a fable, typically one of Aesop's, which they would amplify and abbreviate. Or, they would write a new fable in close imitation of Aesop. It was specifically recommended that students turn indirect discourse into direct discourse. Example
  • Steve Amidon added Martha Eagleson to the group.
  • It's tough to pick a favorite for alliteration, but I really like Rossetti, so here's the opening line from "Jenny": "Lazy laughing languid Jenny"-- an example of both assonance and consonance.
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  • Steve Amidon added Tricia Day to the group.
    Marc Dziak, at left, a second-year doctoral student in literary studies, and Daniel Nedelescu, a third-year doctoral student in economics, consult the university's Online Writing Lab during a tutoring session. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded a $1.5 million grant to the Writing Lab so
    Watch the animation series of Aesops Tales - Ant And The Dove - a great learning experience for kids in the most entertaining and fun way. Click to watch more animation Stories.
  • Steve Amidon added Matthew Willits, Carrie Brooks and 3 more members to the group.
  • Your assignment, to be completed before class on January 24, 2011 is to post an example of an oxymoron, and an example of alliteration, to this facebook group.
  • Steve Amidon created the group.
  • Steve Amidon added Shem Hinkle, Andrew N Johnson and Leigh Yerkes to the group.
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