Chapter 49: In Which the Lens of our Understanding is brought Closer In Focus

At the theatre we find Neville and Nigel, Lew Basnight, and “the co-tenant of Tarot card XV, Professor P. Jotham Renrfew” (679). It’s a musical comedy about Jack-the Ripper—typical Pynchon fare! (Maybe not—maybe more John Waters.)
Actually, it’s not Renfrew, but Werfner, accompanied by Lews Chicago employer, Max Kautsch.
The thousand od speculators, Ripper narratives, “all equally valid” suggests “Multiple worlds” (682).
It seems as if the Grand Cohen wants Lew to assassinate Werfner—hired gone and all. He learns that Werfner and Renfrew were one, in their pre-bilocation days, and he begins to realize that Nigel and Neville are not the idiots they impersonate, but devious agents of TWIT. The N&N twins may have been part of a giant plan, perhaps going all the way back to Chicago. The “twinning” we discover in this is fitting given the title of this section of the book, “Bi-locations,” which this chapter concludes.
Dr. Ghloix notes that “who better than a fallen geographer to be acting this cut, to convey Number XV, The Devil” (686).
On a philosophical note, the Cohen confides in Lew that we are light, “The soul itself is a memory we carry of having once moved at the speed and density of light” (688). The Cohen also thinks the Gentlleman Bomber (Lew or/and his prey) may be one of Rilke’s angels.
T.W.I.T., which is morphing into the insidious “Them” of GR, (and now seems to be parodying secret Masonic conspiracies), disappears, off, it seems, to follow Yashmeen. Lew, feeling released from his T.W.I.T. obligation, returns to routine P.I. work.
Actually, it’s not Renfrew, but Werfner, accompanied by Lews Chicago employer, Max Kautsch.
The thousand od speculators, Ripper narratives, “all equally valid” suggests “Multiple worlds” (682).
It seems as if the Grand Cohen wants Lew to assassinate Werfner—hired gone and all. He learns that Werfner and Renfrew were one, in their pre-bilocation days, and he begins to realize that Nigel and Neville are not the idiots they impersonate, but devious agents of TWIT. The N&N twins may have been part of a giant plan, perhaps going all the way back to Chicago. The “twinning” we discover in this is fitting given the title of this section of the book, “Bi-locations,” which this chapter concludes.
Dr. Ghloix notes that “who better than a fallen geographer to be acting this cut, to convey Number XV, The Devil” (686).
On a philosophical note, the Cohen confides in Lew that we are light, “The soul itself is a memory we carry of having once moved at the speed and density of light” (688). The Cohen also thinks the Gentlleman Bomber (Lew or/and his prey) may be one of Rilke’s angels.
T.W.I.T., which is morphing into the insidious “Them” of GR, (and now seems to be parodying secret Masonic conspiracies), disappears, off, it seems, to follow Yashmeen. Lew, feeling released from his T.W.I.T. obligation, returns to routine P.I. work.
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