Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Fall Project: Classical Rhetoric

I've decided to devote the research blog to Classical Rhetoric. I'm teaching a class on the subject this Spring for the first time, and I've been very unsatisfied with the textbooks available on the subject. I'm thinking of working on a textbook of my own.

I'm starting with Lausberg's Handbook of Literary Rhetoric, a book almost unknown in the US where rhetorical approaches to literature are rare. Yet in European universities, course approaching literature from a rhetorical lens are commonplace.

While my course is not "literary," the tools elaborated in Lausberg are certainly applicable to non-literary texts. I love the book because it goes directly to the original Greek and Latin classical texts!

On another subject, I'd like to point out the new links to the blogs of some of the students in the Research Methods class this semester!


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