More Amidons

My branch of the Amidon came to Michigan from Vermont in the middle of the 19th century. My Great-Great-Great Grandfather, Russell Amidon was born in Readsboro, Vermont in 1802 to Ralph Amidon and Sally Brown, who is described in some accounts as a "gypsy." I recently found the following artifact:
Deed from Edward CRUMB to Ralph AMIDON
Deed from Edward CRUMB to Ralph AMIDONBennington County, Vermont 1 May 1804Know all men by these present that I Edward CRUMB of Readsboro in the County of Bennington and State of Vermont for the consideration of six hundred dollars received to the full satisfaction of Ralph AMIDON of Readsboro of the County of Bennington and State of Vermont do give grant bargain sell and confirm unto the said Ralph AMIDON his heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land lying in Readsboro bounded as follows: Beginning at the south west corner of Right No. 15 thence on the south line of said Lot to the Deerfield River thence up said River to the West Branch thence up said Branch so far as to all the land that Billington CRUMB bought of Abraham BROWN and to the west line of said right thence on the west line southerly to the first mentioned bounds meaning all the land that I bought of my father Billington CRUMB containing in two Deeds by estimation one hundred acres.To have and to hold the before granted and bargained premesis with the appurtenances thereof unto him the said Ralph AMIDON heirs and assigns forever to their own proper use benefit and behoof and also I the said Edward CRUMB do for my self my heirs executors and administrators covenant with the said Ralph AMIDON his heirs and assigns that at and until the ensealing of these present I am well seized of the premises as a good and desirable estate in fee simple and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written and that the same is free and clear of all encumbrances whatsoever and furthermore I the said Edward do by these present bind myself and heirs to warrant and defend the above granted and bargained premises to the said Ralph his heirs and assigns against all claims and demands whatsoever in witness whereof I here unto set my hand and seal the first day of May A.D. 1804 Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of:John WHITNEYLydia BAILYEdward CRUMB (Seal)State of Vermont Bennington CountyReadsboro May 1, 1804Personally appeared Edward CRUMB Signer and sealer of the above written instrument and acknowledged the same to be his free act and Deed Before me.John WHITNEY Justice PeaceReceived for Record May first 1804[FHL Film #28767 Readsboro Vermont Town Clerk Land Records Book 1 Page 27]
My grandmother, Hazel Maurine Amidon Hill, was born in Benzie County, MI in 1909, daughter of George Rolland Amidon and Hazel Jaquish, a descendant of your three Rogers + Ralph. So, are we related?
Catherine Herndon (nee Hill)
I descend through Ralph, son Smith, son MVB, son John, Son Walter, and my mom Sandra.
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