Monday, September 06, 2004

Get Back on that Horse!

From my reading, and my own publication record, slim as it is, I have come to believe that the single, most important secret to succeeding as a professional writer is this—you must write, and you must not let other pressures of life come between you and your writing.

I’m intentionally marginalizing other equally important, or even more important, parts of our lives here. But my purpose here is not to ignore the importance of other work and family members. My point is this: if the call to write is in you, you need to heed it. Writing often requires you to seek knowledge which is difficult, even painfully difficult, to reach. Sometimes we will find ourselves doing everything except the writing. I’ve discovered one of the best ways of getting your closets organized is to take on a particularly difficult task of researched writing.

I raise this issue today because it has been six days since I last wrote in my blog. I’m sure I accomplished many important tasks in those six days. But what I haven’t done is write!


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